Medical Departments:

Internal Diseases:
This unit includes specialties of cardiology, dermatology, diabetics, endocrine glands, digestive system, hematology diseases, infectious diseases, internal diseases, kidney and urology unit, neurology, psychiatry clinic, lung diseases, and rheumatic diseases. Patients who visited the hospital totaled 86,209 persons.

It includes general surgery unit, orthopedics unit, urinary tracts surgery, plastic surgery, brain and neurology surgery, children surgery, ophthalmic surgery, and ENT surgery.
Patients who visited the hospital for these units totaled 72.331 persons and operations made totaled 10.730 surgical operations among which 2.982 operations were made in daily surgery rooms.

Nursing services are considered one of the most important aspects in the process of distinguished medical care. Nursing Division provides nursing to patients at all general and specialized clinics in addition to specialized care services to inpatients at all units.
Number of nurses grew hugely and such growth is characterized with constant increase, as number of nurses reached to 182 nurses in the year 1405H, 220 nurses in 1406H, and 263 nurses in 1407H. In 1429H number of nurses reached to 761 all of which providing specialized nursing as per international standards in various divisions and units of the hospital.

Support Departments:

This unit is responsible for providing patients with medicines prescribed by specialist physicians and provision of services corresponding to applicable drug precautions and professional regulations. Also, this unit provides physicians and pharmacists with the most up-to-date medical literatures and printings dealing with medicine treatment in addition to organizing periodical tests quarterly to pharmacists, and participation in training King Saud University students of Pharmacy College, Health Sciences College, and Medical Sciences College.

Laboratory and Blood Bank:
Medical practices nowadays depend on accurate scientific data that can be obtained from laboratories and detailed lab investigations. Therefore, lab investigations are made for all patients seeking medical care in the hospital and primary care clinics and students applying to enroll in security institutes and colleges. Year by year the services provided by Laboratory and blood bank are developing considerably as per international standards. Laboratory unit has succeeded in reducing number of samples sent to investigation to external institutions. Pathology unit is still connected with Remote Pathology Program in collaboration with some USA hospitals.

The basic mission of X-ray unit is to support the medical staff in diagnosing the disease and treatment. The unit contains many advanced X-ray equipment including but not limited to: CT Scan, four modern groups of X-ray, endoscope group, digital group for imaging veins, ultra-sound scanning equipment provided with sectional and linear rows. The unit contains also number of modern and advanced equipment including: day development equipment, new equipment of color ultra-sound and modern equipment of nuclear medicine. The unit is in the process of procuring blood veins scanning equipment and helical sectional imaging equipment. X-ray tests made in the year 1428H totaled 133.605 tests, while patients who X-ray tests made to them totaled 104.912 patients.

Physiotherapy Dept.:
It provides services to specialized clinic inpatients who are referred by hospital physicians or primary health care clinics. This unit contains number of physiotherapists and assistants. The unit provided 134.318 physiotherapeutic sessions in the year 1428H.

Military Affairs:
This Department is involved in coordination, follow-up, and organization of all that may be related to military men working in various units of the hospital and submits reports on their promotions, payments, vacations, and military supplies, and prepare their files and follow up their job performance through the heads of unit departments.

Medical Maintenance and Engineering:
Medical Maintenance and Engineering is responsible for keeping operable condition of hospital facilities and equipment. Also, it makes technical studies, planning, supervision, and execution of various projects of the hospital. Also, support workshops, including workshops of air-conditioning, electricity, plumbing, steel works, and joinery, facilitate daily operations of performing maintenance to such facilities. Medical engineering department performs maintenance to all medical and office equipment at the hospital, and bringing the hospital to the highest degree of performance taking into consideration safety standards to patients and equipment operators.